Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New story

This was a news item on imdb.com earlier today:
"Report: O'Reilly Was "Unleashed" Against NBC, GE
Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes phoned NBC chief Jeff Zucker last summer and threatened to "unleash" Bill O'Reilly against NBC and its parent, General Electric, unless Zucker reigned in MSNBC host Keith Olbermann, who was regularly attacking O'Reilly (as "the worst person in the world") and Ailes himself, the Washington Post reported today (Monday). The complaints were later echoed in phone calls to Zucker from Rupert Murdoch, chairman of News Corp, which owns Fox News, the Post said. After the appeals failed, O'Reilly began an assault on GE chief Jeffrey Immelt, accusing him and his company of supporting the Iranian government. "If my child were killed in Iraq, I would blame the likes of Jeffrey Immelt," O'Reilly said during one broadcast. GE spokesman Gary Sheffer insisted that "nothing we supply ... to Iran is in any way endangering U.S. troops." He said that News Corp execs "tell us if the attacks on O'Reilly end, the attacks on GE will end."

This riles me up so terribly. You know these Evangelists are constantly claiming the Rapture is coming. Alright, when and if America starts muting its outspoken citizens, the end may be near. My brother once taught me, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." There has never been a truer statement in our brave new world.

Seriously, if no one takes our news distributors to task you end up with the same situation that followed 9/11. We cannot allow certain companies to continue 'Rule by Fear' approaches without others distributing information about 'the truth' (as I see it). I cannot speak to the radical approach Keith Olbermann takes because I am too busy watching baseball (j/k).

When I do watch The Countdown, I know some of what is said is propaganda. At the same time, when I am stuck watching The No-Spin Zone or whatever, I take the same approach. I don't really know where to go with this except to say if Americans can no longer read between the lines, what does that say about the state of our union? I love America. I hate stupid people. I guess we saw the failed 'War on Drugs', the failed 'War in Iraq', etc... and now we can see the ongoing 'War of the Cable News'. Bring it and the results will show in November.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Quick Thought

It seems today that the talking heads want Hilary Clinton to drop out of the race. Did we give up on 'Casey at the plate'? You know Kirk Gibson would hope not. Has America lost Horatio Alger? I hope not.
I am not trying to say Hilary is not an elitist or anything like that. I just thought that Mike Huckabee left the race too soon. I thought that those who voted for Romney would have also voted for Huckabee. Where do those delegates go? I mean, is it impossible to think that a majority of Romney's delegates would have backed Huckabee if they had......a choice.
Obviously, I am not all that concerned about what this is doing to the Democratic Party. I love what Hilary is doing for the democratic process. That is something that has been lost within my lifetime. Thinking on the last 2 elections and the steps that took us into the Afghan/Iraq wars right now, America might have lost its true respect for democracy. What is so wrong with letting every vote get heard? Come on now people.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

My Big Problem

Well, I have said for a long time that I cannot believe how many people are given a voice these days. I may be a big hypocrite. I just formed another blog (http://www.3stoogemovies.blogspot.com/) I have always wanted to talk about movies, but I considered it quite silly to sound off with no one to bounce it off of. Seriously, most people have an opinion and a lot of them stink. At least I have some education in the field.